TMC Compressors for Bacalhau FPSO
Published by Pippa Luck,
Editorial Assistant
Tanks and Terminals,
TMC Compressors has been contracted to supply the marine compressed air system to the Bacalhau floating production storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) that is being built for Equinor. TMC will supply the FPSO’s complete compressed air system consisting of several large offshore screw compressors, air dryers and filter systems.
Hans Petter Tanum, Director of Sales and Business Development for TMC, said: “This is a major FPSO and consequently this is one of our biggest stand-alone deliveries to an offshore project and the biggest ever to an FPSO.” TMC has not disclosed the value of the contract.
Japanese supplier and operator of offshore floating platforms MODEC is providing the FPSO to Equinor. The FPSO will be deployed at the Bacalhau field, which is located in in 2050 m deep waters, approximately 185 km off the coast of Ilhabela, São Paulo, Brazil.
The FPSO will be designed to produce and process up to 220 000 bbl of crude oil and up to 15 million m3/d of gas. The minimum storage capacity will be 2 million bbl of crude oil.
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