EIA releases interactive dashboard detailing natural gas storage activity
Published by Alex Hithersay,
Editorial Assistant
Tanks and Terminals,
The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released a new interactive Natural Gas Storage Dashboard with daily and weekly information that provides context to the data released in EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (WNGSR).
The dashboard gives helps identify Lower 48 and regional storage activity and key market fundamentals that affect underground natural gas storage activity.
The WNGSR is one of the US government's principal federal economic indicators. Most of these indicators, which include metrics like employment, international trade, housing construction, and crop production, are released on a quarterly or monthly basis.
EIA will post updates to the dashboard in the mid-afternoon on the same days EIA releases its latest weekly natural gas storage estimates.
The dashboard includes the Lower 48 and regional natural gas storage inventories, net inventory changes, and utilisation indicators. Other metrics include temperature visualisations, estimated natural gas consumption by sector, net exports, and futures prices.
Information sources used reflect a combination of EIA and third-party data.Sources of non-EIA data include temperature data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), natural gas demand and import/export data from OPIS PointLogic, and natural gas futures prices from CME Group and Bloomberg.
The dashboard’s features include the ability to select national or regional information, choose specific years or ranges, animate trends, and download selected data series or images. The commentary tab will provide more context on recent natural gas storage-related market conditions. These entries will focus on many aspects of the natural gas storage market, such as potential drivers of changes in storage inventories, occasional details on EIA-derived storage statistics, and trends on natural gas storage infrastructure.
Read the article online at: https://www.tanksterminals.com/storage-tanks/14092018/eia-releases-interactive-dashboard-detailing-natural-gas-storage-activity/
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