Transneft Diascan examines over 300 tanks
Published by Callum O'Reilly,
Senior Editor
Tanks and Terminals,
Diagnostics Directorate of Transneft Diascan examined 328 oil and petroleum storage tanks within the first seven months of this year.
The works were performed as part of the integrated programme of diagnostic examination of Transneft’s pipelines and oil pump station (OPS) facilities for 2017.
Full technical diagnostics with decommissioning was performed on 35 tanks, while partial technical diagnostics without decommissioning performed at 66 facilities.
Additional examination of 227 tanks was performed. This included tank monitoring (56 units), anti-corrosion coating condition control (78 units), and additional flaw-detection inspection of welded joints between the third and the fourth tank well rings (43 units). Ultrasonic, acoustic emission and radiographic inspections were performed during the examination.
The bulk of the work was performed at the facilities of Transneft Urals (55 tanks), Transneft Western Siberia (48 tanks), Transneft Siberia (45 tanks), Chernomortransneft (31 tanks) and Transneft Kama Region (28 tanks).
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