Shand & Jurs launches seal solution
Published by Callum O'Reilly,
Senior Editor
Tanks and Terminals,
Shand & Jurs has launched Expanda-Seal™, a uniquely designed seal which helps reduce vapour emissions, evaporation loss and odours in many process environments.
The Expanda-Seal technology uses the internal storage tank pressure to inflate a diaphragm on the relief device, creating a tighter seal the closer the pressure gets to the set point. While industry standards for pressure relieving vents can only maintain 1 SCFH at 90% of set point, Shand & Jurs’ Expanda-Sealtechnology flows are limited to a nearly ‘bubble tight’ 0.5 SCFH at 95% of the set point, equating to 50% less vapour release.
Available in a full range of sizes and soft goods, this unique inflating diaphragm design also helps prevent leaks caused by worn seating surfaces requiring less maintenance saving time and money.
Expanda-Seal is ideal for refineries, tank farms, terminals, sewage treatment plants, landfills, agricultural, or the food and beverage industries. The sealing technology can be utilised on pressure and vacuum conservation vents and emergency vents to reduce emissions and inert gas cost.
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