Tank seal contract awarded to TECS
Published by Tom Mostyn,
Editorial Assistant
Tanks and Terminals,
Dutch company TECS has been awarded the contract to supply and install special TC3 primary shoe plate seal with wax scraper and independent rim mounted TC2ilp low profile secondary seals at Maasvlakte Olie Terminal (MOT).
With 39 84 m dia. and 120 000 m3 capacity crude oil tanks, MOT is a huge terminal where roughly a third of all oil imported into the Port of Rotterdam is pumped through. It is a joint venture between Aramco, BP, Esso, Shell, Vopak and Zeeland Refineries.
TECS has stated that the seals will meet all engineering, safety and emission standards and will be gastight, guaranteeing the lowest possible emissions. “We are proud to have qualified as vendor on this importance maintenance program”, wrote the company.
Read the article online at: https://www.tanksterminals.com/terminals/17042019/tank-seal-contract-awarded-to-tecs/
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