Eesti Gaas orders LNG bunker
Published by Alex Hithersay,
Editorial Assistant
Tanks and Terminals,
Eesti Gaas has ordered an LNG bunker, the first of its kind in the north and east of the Baltic Sea.
The vessel, which will be completed in 2020, will service environmentally-friendly ships in the Gulf of Finland and in the south of the Gulf of Bothnia.
The LNG bunker service area will be the northern and eastern part of the Baltic Sea, in particular the Gulf of Finland. The LNG vessel is capable of buoying tankers, cargo, service, travel and service vessels on the high seas and in ports, with its containers capable of delivering to customers up to 6000 m3 of LNG at a time.
Dutch company Damen will build the 100 m-long bunker.
The construction of the LNG vessel is being financed by Infortar and co-financed by the EU. Eesti Gaas has signed a long-term contract with Infortar for the operation of the vessel and with Tallink for technical support and manning.
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