Trelleborg announces LNG transfer partnership with Synertec
Published by Alex Hithersay,
Editorial Assistant
Tanks and Terminals,
Trelleborg’s marine systems operation and Australasian engineering consultancy, Synertec, have announced a partnership that will see Trelleborg distribute Synertec's LNG custody transfer system across its global sales network.
LNG custody transfer, the transfer of the ownership of LNG from one organisation to other, has long involved fiscal risk given significant uncertainties in traditional tank measurement. Quantities are invoiced in units of transferred LNG based on a calculation of volume, density, and gross caloric value.
However, measurement inaccuracies have a significant financial impact for both exporters and importers. Just a 1% error in LNG transferred can result in a significant loss of revenue due to misallocation during custody transfer.
Synertec’s automated custody transfer system aims at negating that error, and has been used in LNG projects across Australasia. The transfer system is a skid mounted module.
Richard Hepworth, President of Trelleborg’s marine systems operation, said: “With more LNG capacity coming on stream year on year, we are seeing increasing demand not just for large scale transportation of cargoes but also for more FSRU applications and, of course, the growth of LNG fuelling for marine vessels. All of these applications have one key requirement in common - the safe, efficient and timely transfer of LNG from one tank system to another.
“One key critical element in achieving this is the interface between ship and port, on land and at sea."
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