Digitisation changing pump, compressor and vacuum technology
Published by Callum O'Reilly,
Senior Editor
Tanks and Terminals,
Digitisation is changing pump, compressor and vacuum technology. The devices are networked with each other, automatically exchange data, and integrate into larger self-learning plant systems. The International Rotating Equipment Conference 2019, which will take place from 24 to 25 September 2019 in Wiesbaden, Germany, will show how big the change will be.
Dr. Matthias Fankhänel, (former) Senior Vice President Centers of Technical Expertise at BASF SE, will explain in his plenary lecture how manufacturers and users of pumps, compressor and vacuum technology can jointly master the challenges posed by digitisation.
"In addition to the plenary lecture, we will receive many suggestions and tips for the upcoming digitisation at the conference," says Christoph Singrün, Managing Director of the VDMA Pumps + Systems and Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology Association.
Data standards and interfaces are crucial for digitisation. For this purpose, the VDMA trade associations Pumps + Systems and Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology have created a so-called Industry 4.0 Administration Shell - with the scientific support of the TH Cologne. From this description of technical parameters, the ‘digital twin’, a first OPC UA Companion Specification for pumps and vacuum pumps is derived. This enables communication from pump to pump (horizontal) and pump to control (vertical). A demonstrator at the conference will show how they work.
Read the article online at: https://www.tanksterminals.com/storage-tanks/27062019/digitisation-changing-pump-compressor-and-vacuum-technology/
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