Reynolds Training Services apprenticeship qualification approved by IChemE
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Tanks and Terminals,
Approval has been awarded for Reynolds Training Services’ Bulk Storage Operator Technician level 3 diploma, which is part of a two-year apprenticeship offering a wider focus on process and occupational safety, human factors and emergency response, aligning these elements with technical operations. The programme is a mix of vocational and academic learning delivered in conjunction with HETA (Humberside Engineering Training Association) at Reynolds Training Services who are based at the CATCH Training facility in Stallingborough, North East Lincolnshire, UK.
An apprenticeship is made up of a qualification and a programme of vocational experience. IChemE is licensed by the Engineering Council to approve either or both of these parts for colleges and training providers delivering an engineering apprenticeship. Having this qualification approved by IChemE provides a new route to technical recognition for the sector, meaning that apprentices can go on to the professional Engineering Technician (EngTech) qualification.
Supporting apprenticeships is a key part of IChemE’s Programme SMART, which is focussed upon the development of flexible pathways to professional qualification that will ultimately help advance skills to meet existing and future demands.
The IChemE assessors commended Reynolds Training Services for their outstanding simulation facility of a full-scale tank farm that offers a realistic, professional environment and which provides trainee engineers ample work-based experience in real-world problem-solving and risk assessment for major accident hazards. The assessors also praised the course leaders for teaching the process safety fundamentals at an exceptionally high standard.
Reynolds Training’s Managing Director, John Reynolds, said: “The new qualification creates clear career pathways for individuals. It’s about showing them how they can not only advance their own aspirations, but those of our industry. As a technical qualification, it signposts a career journey through IChemE’s engineering technician process. From managerial, safety engineering, maintenance and beyond, it empowers people to broaden their career horizons, advance their skills and, crucially, keep those ever-burgeoning skills within the sector.”
Bill Harper, who volunteers as part of IChemE’s qualifications activities and lead the assessment of the programme, said: “As we look to widen our offering and enable more flexible pathways to professional qualification, we at IChemE are committed to support our colleagues in industry in developing apprenticeship frameworks to enhance the skills pipeline. It is hugely encouraging to see the trainees are highly committed to the profession and acting as ambassadors for the programme, inspiring others to consider this as a pathway to professional qualification. Congratulations to Reynolds Training Services for being the first, of hopefully many, level 3 qualifications given approval by IChemE in recognition of their high standards that enables a route to technical qualification.”
Peter Davidson, Executive Director of the Tank Storage Association, commented: “The bulk liquid storage sector is and will continue to be an important source of career opportunities. With a new wave of innovation and extensive demand for skilled and qualified specialists, we are delighted that this Level 3 Qualification that is embedded into the sector leading apprenticeship programme has received IChemE recognition, a testament to Reynolds Training Services’ commitment to the development of the next generation of talent in the UK.”
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